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Report concerns
GM safeguarding procedures
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Community Groups
Guidance and support
Bullying - Preventing and tackling bullying
Bruising in children
- Bruising and injury in children and how to make a referral
Child sexual exploitation
- Children at risk, the signs to look out for and the referral process
Child trafficking
(external link)
- Dealing with children from abroad, including victims of modern slavery, trafficking and exploitation. Also see:
Independent child trafficking service
(external link)
Female genital mutilation (FGM)
(external link)
- Safeguarding women and girls at risk of FGM and the multi-agency protocols in place
Forced Marriage and honour based violence
(external link)
Competency Level Guidance
- Please use the following guidance to select the appropriate competency level to your job role
Dealing with disclosures from children
Digital self-harm - what it is, the risks and how to identify it
Disguised Compliance
- To help practitioners spot the signs of when a parent or carer may be disguising compliance; and advise where and how to access help and services.
Guidance for safer working practice for those working with children and young people in education settings
(external link)
How to have difficult conversations with parents/carers
- A guide for practitioners who work with children and their families.
How professionals can effectively communicate with individuals
Indicators of neglect: Missed opportunities
(external link)
- Research evidence identifying early indicators of child neglect
Information sharing
(external link)
- Advice for practitioners providing safeguarding services
Professional Curiosity and Challenge
Safe sleep
- How to keep a baby safe while they sleep
Safeguarding Children - Roles and competencies for healthcare staff
Scoring standardised measures
(external link)
- A selection of freely available standardised measures that can help professionals judge parental capacity to change, including guidance on scoring and interpretation
The impact of bereavement on children and young people
Transition to Adulthood - Support to help young people prepare for adulthood
Young person's guide to working together to safeguard children
(external link)
Guide to obtaining references - Education setting
Keeping children safe in out-of-school settings: code of practice
(external link)
Bereavement model policy template for schools
Bereavement model policy template for early years settings
Bereavement UK
(external link)
Bullying - preventing and tackling bullying
Childnet Resources: Cyberbullying Guidance for Schools
(external link)
Children missing education
(external link)
- Statutory guidance for local authorities
Educating young people at secondary school about the dangers of child sexual exploitation
(external link)
Elective Home Education
Departmental Guidance for Local Authorities
(external link)
Local Authority Guidance and process Home education
(external link)
Guide to obtaining references in education settings
Governors checklist
Keeping children safe in education - Statutory guidance for schools and colleges
(external link)
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)
- The role of LADO and how to make a referral
Safeguarding child protection model policy for schools
Safeguarding Model Policy - Addendum COVID-19
Sudden Bereavement Help
(external link)
Wigan Council policy for children missing education
Dogs and children: living safely together
Dogs Trust - Dog and Child safety guidance
(external link)
Child safety around dogs fact sheet
(external link)
Your dog and your baby fact sheet
(external link)
Defra Dog Safety Resources
Annual reports
- Child safeguarding annual reports including Wigan Safeguarding Children's Board (WSCB), Child Deaths Overview Panels (CDOP) and the Independent Review Officers’ (IRO) service
Evidence based tools
- Tools to help you analyse information and make effective decisions
Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) - Contingency proforma
Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) - Contingency plan
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA)
- The Safeguarding Board will now be replaced by a Multi-Agency Safeguarding Partnership made up of three key agencies, local authority, health and police along with other agencies
NSPCC Graded Care Profile Toolkit
- A toolkit produced by the NSPCC for professionals to give to parents and carers
Graded Care Profile 2 Information Sheet
- A toolkit produced by the NSPCC for professionals
Hoarding toolkit
- A multi-agency approach to working with people who display hoarding behaviours.
In this section
Guidance and support
Significant Injury and Death in Children Caused by Falling Fire Surrounds
Conference reports
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements (MASA)
Useful links
Thresholds of Need
Training and workforce development
Serious case reviews
Report concerns about a child
Private fostering
Support for families of offenders
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